Welcome to Sunberg Limited:

Information, education and inspiration


As a global provider of procurement and logistical solutions for recyclable metals and the trusted partner of many companies worldwide we have an entrenched enthusiasm for the recycling industry and the benefits that it brings to communities and the environment.  



On our website you'll find information about Sunberg's products, services and initiatives. You'll also find interesting facts and useful information about the recycling industry and metal markets to inspire your own endeavours. 

Know Your Business Partner

Sunberg Limited only purchases and sells materials through our headquarters in Hendon, London and we never use intermediary websites. Our commercial managers will never use gmail, hotmail, yahoo or aol email accounts to discuss company business with you and we will never ask for funds to be remitted to us via Western Union. 

When you discuss any commercial or financial transactions if ever in doubt please contact us on +44 (0)20 8457 2676 or at info@sunberglimited.com to verify that you are doing business with us.


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